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Hello! I am a student journalist and illustrator originally from St. Louis, Missouri. I am an undergraduate in the College of Communications at DePaul University. I work as the Multimedia Editor for 14 East Magazine, a contributor for Her Campus DePaul and a show host for Radio DePaul. ​Outside of school I contribute to tech editorial Tech For the People. During summer of 2021 I served as a journalism intern for Mediatracks Communications where I wrote scripts and conducted interviews for various radio segments. For me, writing is a way to share the stories of those without a voice. I work to be that voice for those people. In addition to writing, illustrations add so much to stories. Visual storytelling enhances journalism. 


I am also bilingual in English and French. I find that languages are a great way to foster connections between people and cultures. As a journalist, I want to be able to have the best knowledge of the different cultures around me in order to do my job to the best of my ability. As a communicator, language is one of the most important parts of the job. 


My resume is attached below with a full list of my experiences and qualifications. 

Get In Touch

Tel: 314-960-2943

Based in

Chicago, Illinois

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