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By Bridget Killian

Tandem Mission, 2021

There have been over 100 anti-transgender bills introducing throughout the States in 2021

State legislatures across the country have been introducing multiple bills against transgender people this year alone from refusing transgender students from participating in sports teams to banning medical care for transgender youth.

These bills are not only discriminatory on a base level, but also pose a threat to many lives.

These bills would stop transgender individuals from receiving the medical care they need to affirm their identities such as hormone replacement therapy, puberty blockers and eventually surgery if wanted...continue reading

By Bridget Killian

Tandem Mission, 2021

Qualified immunity is a doctrine that keeps police officers from being held liable for violating someone's civil rights

Qualified immunity is a judicial doctrine which protects state officials, including police officers, from being held liable for violating someone’s civil rights, unless they violate “clearly established law.”

In effect, qualified immunity typically means that officers are not held liable unless a previous officer was help liable for the same offense. This creates an endless cycle of impunity for officers.

Because of qualified immunity, officers are often not held responsible for violations and victims may never receive any justice. For example, in the case of the murder of Breonna Taylor, qualified immunity has protected the officers involved due to the claims that they were acting in self-defense. The larger issue here is Breonna was asleep and not involved in the altercation whatsoever.

Qualified immunity is often used as a way to shield officers from any and all accountability even when it involves the murder of innocent people...continue reading

By Bridget Killian

Tandem Mission, 2021

Abortion rights are under attack

Abortion is legal in all states due to the national-level ruling of Roe v. Wade. But it is becoming increasingly inaccessible because of state-level attempts to ban it.

So far in 2021, 14 states have passed laws that restrict a women's right to choose. For example, Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently signed a bill into law that bans abortions past 6 weeks, even though 6 weeks is earlier than when most women know they are pregnant. This bill does not make exceptions for victims of rape or incest and allows individuals to sue those they believe to be involved in assisting an abortion.

The Supreme Court of the United States is expected to hear a case soon regarding an abortion ban in Mississippi, and it is widely feared that the ruling may overturn Roe v. Wade because the Supreme Court has a conservative majority. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, each state will choose whether or not abortions are legal. In this case, it is even more critical that state leaders understand why abortion rights need to be protected...continue reading

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