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By Bridget Killian

The Kirkwood Call, 2018

You open your email account. Along with spam from online shopping sites and stores offering coupons, you have three new emails from the colleges you are applying to. The subject of all three read: “FAFSA is now available.”

The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is a form universities in the United States use to determine how much a student may receive in federal aid. Applicants must fill out the FAFSA and meet the eligibility requirements to be considered. According to Cameron Henry, senior, high school students are not taught about what the FAFSA is until they have to file it for college. This leaves some students feeling unprepared...continue reading

By Bridget Killian

The Kirkwood Call, 2018

This summer was a time of new music. Every few weeks, it seemed as though an artist dropped their newest album for the world to hear. Ye, KIDS SEE GHOSTS, Everything is Love and Scorpion are four of the new sounds of the summer. In this review, each album was judged based on lyrics, message, the music tracks behind the lyrics, how unique it was to their previous releases and my overall impression...continue reading

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